Sciatica is a common problem we see in the clinic that can cause a lot of pain, even with simply sitting in a chair. Sciatica originates from the back, goes through the butt and down the leg. Sciatica occurs because there is compression of the Sciatic nerve somewhere along it’s tract. This can occur in both the low back and the glutes/hips. For acute episodes of sciatica there are a couple quick fixes we can give you to help relieve the pain.

The first sequence of exercises is simple, and if you are having a lot of burning, pain, numbness and/or tingling this may be a good place to start. You’re going to get on your stomach, but with a couple of pillows under your hips/torso so you are not laying completely flat. Stay in this position for as long you can tolerate. If this position is tolerable then progress by removing pillows until you are lying completely flat on the ground. The point of this is to slowly ease your way into extension. When you have really flared up low back pain and/or sciatica, it will be hard to straighten yourself upright, but as you know that position of being slightly hunched forward is not very functional. Easing into extension is going to be key to getting back to your daily tasks.

If laying completely flat on the ground is tolerable, then it’s time to progress to propping up on your elbows. Just by being in this position your lower back is in more extension than it was before. It might feel tight and painful at first, but after a couple minutes the pain should subside.

When this position becomes bearable, try to move into press-ups. Remember to relax your glutes and legs throughout the motion. Try to keep your hips down and allow your back to extend. The more reps you do the better it will feel.

For the next sequence of exercises, you want to position your body in a C, so move your legs and torso in the same direction. You are compressing the side which has the sciatica. While in this position try to do your press-ups! You can also take the side that has the pain and kick that leg out to the side. This is called the frog leg. This can be a comfortable position to relieve pain, you can also do press-ups in this position.

Next thing you want to do is nerve floss. Lie on your back holding your leg, and gently straighten your knee as much as you can, followed my bringing your toe toward your shin. Hold this for a few seconds and then relax your ankle, then relax your knee back down, in that order. This is slowly putting tension on the nerve with each movement and then removing it. Nerves do not like to be bound down, so performing gentle nerve glides can really help decrease tension throughout the nerve tract. You can also perform a nerve floss in a sitting position. Remember this is a gentle stretch! It should not be super aggressive, and we suggest performing these throughout the day in sets of 10 to keep the nerve happy and mobile as you go about your day.

Check out our YouTube video below where we demonstrate all the above!

Are you an active adult or athlete living in Roswell, Johns Creek, or Alpharetta, and experiencing Sciatica or another injury that is holding you back? Since 2008 our proven 3 step plan has helped people stay in the game and keep doing all the awesome activities they love. Please give us a call or text at 678-400-0300.