Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy at Mission Move
So, what is pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) anyway?
Simply put, it’s all about peeing, pooping, and sex. Do you have difficulty with any of these three, or pain with any of them? Then I can help! And guys, its not just for the ladies!The number of times I’ve been in a gym restroom and heard women say, “oh man, I just peed a little during that workout,” and then laugh about it drives me nuts!
Just because it’s common does not mean it’s normal or okay for it to happen! Often, this is due to the inability to contract and control the pelvic floor muscles, which can be improved through biofeedback and exercise.On the flip side, some women have difficulty RELAXING their pelvic floor. A former patient “Karen” came to see me after not being able to have a gynecological exam because it was too painful. She also hadn’t been able to have sex with her partner in a year. She was hoping to get back to working out, but she was also afraid this would make her symptoms worse. After working with me, Karen has a regular exercise routine, isn’t afraid of stressing her pelvic floor, and feels hopeful for the first time in a year she can try to start a family with her partner.
For my fellas out there, PFPT can help you too! ED and incontinence are more common in men than you think! But, men typically don’t seek help in healthcare like most women do. Imagine that. Don’t be that guy though! You deserve better, and so does your body.
“Bob” came to see me because he was embarrassed he was having to wear pads after his prostatectomy. This kept him from wanting to go out with the boys on bourbon and cigar night. He came to PT because his doc told him to, but he didn’t believe it would help. After a few visits, Bob became a believer and never missed a session. Now, Bob is back with the boys again, living it up.

Meet our Pelvic Health Therapist – Doctor Grace
Mission Move is the place for me because I have been on the Move my whole life!
I’ve always been into sports. During grade school, I played basketball, volleyball, and soccer, sometimes all in one day, which meant a lot of driving for my parents. (Thank you Mom and Dad) My mom predicted soccer would become my top sport since I was 3; she claims I was always dribbling past other kids while they picked dandelions. She might be exaggerating bc that’s what moms do, but she was right—I became a D2 soccer player, never missing a minute of any game.
Unfortunately, my intense focus on soccer and college life meant I neglected cross-training, leading to physical therapy during the off-season. But this was a big turning point for me as I discovered physical therapy as my calling.For the past five years, I’ve worked in various orthopedic clinics, including sports and Pilates-based ones, but pelvic floor therapy has become my passion.
As a new mom, I understand the challenges of postpartum recovery firsthand. The fourth trimester is a real thing.You have this beautiful baby that you love unconditionally and needs so much help to thrive, but at the same time, your body needs so much help! And as someone who is used to being athletic, working out to the max, etc., it was really hard for me to adjust to my new situation.
Fortunately, I have the knowledge and the training to keep exercising in a safe way and progress back to my usual workouts. But I quickly realized most people wouldn’t know what to do, and they would probably either stop everything altogether and go nuts or do too much and injure themselves further. My goal is to help moms navigate this difficult time after birth and empower them to get back to doing what they enjoy most!
Now, this is the part where I tell you what I enjoy doing in my free time. HA. Let’s see, changing diapers, tummy time, laundry, stroller walks, teaching Olive (our new baby girl) German (my husband Wadim is from Germany), and we do still make time to work out. Priorities!
Why Cash Based Pelvic Health Therapy?
Full Transparency
Have you ever visited a doctor, paid your copay, received a bill later…and then ANOTHER bill months later? It’s frustrating and confusing. Mission Move chooses a cash-based model for our practice. In a cash-based treatment model, your Mission Move therapist enters into an agreement with you to provide physical therapy services in a manner that both parties have decided upon to help you reach your treatment goals most efficiently (AKA: FULL TRANSPARENCY with no surprise bills 3 months in).
Pay at Time of Service
You will pay at the time of service. This model allows us to focus on providing direct, one-on-one care, while keeping administrative costs low. You may pay for services using actual cash, a check, a credit/debit card, or with your HSA. In some instances, you may also personally file for reimbursement from your insurance company to curb your out-of-pocket expense. Most insurance companies, with the exception of Medicare, Medicaid and some HMOs, will provide reimbursement for services received “out of network”. We can help you with this process.
No limits to YOUR plan of care
We are not big on limitations – neither are you, which is why you’re here. In our 12 years of experience helping patients in North Fulton, we’ve seen third-party payers pressure for immediate diagnoses, insist on confining treatments, and interfere with the physical therapy we want to provide, which often hurts the patient’s progress and hinders our ability to reach his or her goals. Regardless of what sport or type of fitness you enjoy, we want to partner with you and give you the right treatment to get you back on the game, not the kind of treatment your insurance provider THINKS you need.
Save Time and Money
Furthermore, (…can we get a drum roll, please?), out-of-pocket expenses over the course of physical therapy will often be less expensive for patients like you with a cash-based model than through traditional physical therapy practice. Here’s how:
The typical PT model will often have you coming 2-3x a week, whether you need it or not. They typically need to utilize as many visits as your insurance allows to make their business work. In our model, we typically see the patient 1x a week and give them an extensive home program so he or she can begin working on this at home. We also see our patients an average of 6-10 times during a plan of care, and quickly go from rehabilitation to working on performance and prevention.
Cash-based does not mean our team is short on the education, qualifications and accreditations necessary to provide you with best-in-class medical care. In fact, we blend unique backgrounds in strength, conditioning, and human performance to go well beyond rehab and help you live your happiest, healthiest life. If you’re a runner, we not only want to help you get rid of your pain from a stubborn knee tendonitis, but also fully return you to running better and faster than you did before your injury. We are the physical therapists who want you to be as active as possible whether it be running, cycling, swimming, weight lifting, golf, or tennis. Whatever your goal, our expert level of performance physical therapy can help get you there!
How Long is Physical Therapy? – The 2 Paths To PT Care
2 Paths | Mission Move PT | Traditional PT |
Time Savings | 10 visits, 20 minutes each way = 400 minutes in the car
Total time: 6 hours and 40 minutes |
30 visits, 20 minutes each way = 1200 minutes in car
Total time in car: 20 hours |
Percentage of appointment time spent with PT | 100% of the time, 1 hour, one on one, with a Doctor of Physical Therapy | 20-30 minutes, or 50% or less of your appointment time |
Quality of Care | Mission Move PT introduces cutting edge rehab techniques, including dry needling and various manual therapies. Hope you’re ready to move because your PT has access to a full strength and conditioning gym and plans to use it. Your sessions focus on overall health, fitness and performance – 100% on you as the patient with a care plan decided by the physical therapist/patient team. Physical therapy doesn’t stop: it’s a continuous process to improve your performance and quality of life. Beyond recovery, you have a 1:1 performance PT that will help you avoid unnecessary surgeries, pharmaceuticals and medical costs. | Patient spends most of the time on passive modalities (ice, heat, ultrasound, TENS), and weak exercise progression (therabands, bike, no gym equipment). Hoping for innovation? Nope. Most insurance companies do not reimburse for many therapy techniques and it takes 10+ years for a new medical procedure to be reimbursable by insurance, your PT’s hands are tied. Essentially, your care is decided by the insurance company- not your physical therapist. |
Billing | You pay upfront or at the end of each session. You know exactly what you are paying for and what that payment includes. Full transparency. | You may pay a copay or you may have to meet your deductible. You may pay your copay but still get a big bill 3 months later. Surprise, surprise? |
Overall Cost | Our cash-based model is often cheaper with higher deductible plans; especially when you factor in what insurance may or may not reimburse and when you look at the overall cost from longer plans of care. This doesn’t even begin to account for the value of preventative care – how much would you pay to avoid surgery, unnecessary MRIs, shots or pills? | Have you met your deductible? If so, you could be all right with $30 copays at each visit…depending on your insurance plan. |
Access | Let’s get to know each other. You enjoy full access to your PT team with email, messaging, phone calls, and next or same day appts. We will always return your call that day or next day. ALWAYS! | Questions or concerns? You may not get a call back for days and when you do, it’s from an admin or answering service – not your PT. Forget about messaging or email access. Want to go straight to the source with an appointment? Fine, but you may have to get on the three-week waiting list. |