It’s Monday morning, you’re pumped up for a new week of workouts, gainz, and fitness with your friends. You roll out of bed, grab your phone and open up your gyms app of choice to check the workout and you see the nightmare movement you’ve been dodging in workouts for the past year…..snatches. Or worse, kipping pull-ups. Now you’re dreading the workout or skipping it all together.
Does this sound like you??
Well guess what, it doesn’t have to be this way! Shoulder mobility, or lack thereof, is something that will inevitably limit you in the gym, especially if you are attempting CrossFit or CrossFit-like movements.
There are many muscle groups that can cause tightness in the shoulder and limit your mobility for lifting overhead. We are going to discuss a few of our favorite exercises below that each target one of these main areas. These movements can (and should) be done both short-term and long-term. Meaning they are great for right before your overhead workout but are also something that should be done consistently over time to make lasting change with your overhead position. Watch the video for demonstrations of each one!
  • Banded lat stretch – The latissimus dorsi is the large muscle that runs from your humerus, all the way down your back to your iliac crest. This stretch targets the lats which can help your shoulder mobility by allowing your shoulder to move more freely through abduction, flexion, and rotation.
  • Lacrosse ball upper trap release – The upper trap is typically a chronically tight muscle at the base of your neck that is a huge problem area for anyone attempting to lift overhead. If you lift overhead and ALSO work at a desk all day long, you need this x100! Spend about 2 minutes per side working on this trap release. We love doing it against the rig at the gym, but you can also use a door jam or wall.
  • Shoulder clocks – This is one of my all-time favorite shoulder warm-up drills pre-overhead lifting. This will address both the pecs and the thoracic spine, which are both major limiters to an optimal overhead position. It may feel terrible at first, but as you go through the reps and work on this movement consistently, I promise you will look forward to this one because it feels so good!
  • RNT single arm overhead squat – This is by far the hardest drill, but it can be super effective. RNT stands for reactive neuromuscular training. This basically means we are trying to use resistance to emphasize the issue, to get our reciprocal muscle groups working better. The band is pulling your arm forward, and you need to fight the resistance by engaging your posterior shoulder and back musculature. Work into this one slowly and consistently.
Shoulder mobility is so in right now, and by working at it over time, it can prevent injury and keep you in the gym. Don’t be the guy or girl who dodges, scales, or dreads those overhead workout days.
Still struggling with pain when lifting overhead? We would love to assist you with getting back to lifting overhead pain-free at Mission Move Physical Therapy. If you live in Roswell, Alpharetta, or Johns Creek and you are having difficulty working out the way you want to due to pain, please reach out. We would love to chat with you on the phone and see if we can help. Call/text: 678-400-0300. Or visit