Wrist pain is extremely frustrating to deal with in the gym because you have to avoid certain exercises or can’t increase your weight because of the discomfort you may be experiencing. Don’t let this affect your goals, we know exactly how to help you so you can lift more without pain holding you back!

The first thing that is most commonly neglected is warming up the wrists! Warming up allows you to gain more mobility in the joint to avoid injury during certain exercises in the workout. We attach a video below showing you the best warm-up you could incorporate before your session to help you prevent additional strain at the joint. 

The second thing that is most likely contributing to your wrist pain is the exercises you are doing, more specifically HOW you are doing them. There are a lot of movements that put a lot of tension on the wrists causing you to stop. We go through all of those common exercises that hurt the wrists and explain what mistakes you may be making that are causing extra impact in the video below. We demonstrate exactly how you can adjust each movement to ease the pressure in the wrist and target the areas you are actually trying to work! 

Over time you will notice a big difference once you prioritize the wrists before and during your time at the gym! If your pain continues or is more chronic and you need a little extra help, just reach out to us! We can answer any questions or concerns you may have!