What exactly is Shoulder Bursitis? First off, a bursa is a fluid filled sac that can be found in areas where there is a lot of pressure for cushion. Bursitis is when these bursa get inflamed and cause pain, especially in areas where there is a lot of movement/use (shoulders, knees, hips). In the shoulder the most common bursa that is affected is the subacromial bursa because it falls in between a very tight space where a lot of movement occurs. This bursa gets inflamed when that space becomes compressed and that repeated pressure irritates the bursa to the point that it becomes very uncomfortable.
The reason that this happens in the first place is when the shoulder blade falls more forward due to poor posture and because we primarily do more things in our frontal plane. This causes the back to become weak and the chest to be very tight, which compact the shoulder joint more.
Now where do you start on your way to recovery? The first thing you want to do if experiencing a lot of pain is to reduce the inflammation by taking an ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory. Then you want to avoid the range of motion that is causing you the most amount of pain. Next, we get into what you can do to make it better. You want to start performing stretches that open up the chest up and improve thoracic extension. We demonstrate some great stretches and a few strengthening exercises that you can use to heal your shoulder bursitis and be on your way towards comfort!
If you are local to us and need some extra assistance please reach out to us at 678-400-0300 or visit our website https://www.missionmovept.com!