Before a runner can truly understand Achilles tendonitis, it helps to understand the basics of the anatomy. This tendon originates from our soleus muscle, connects on our gastrocnemius muscle, two huge powerhouse muscles that generate force for running, and finally inserts onto the calcaneus, or heel bone.

This tendon is one of the largest and strongest in the human body and withstands upwards of 12x body weight during running! Given these demands, it is obvious why this tendon is a problem area for so many runners.

Just as any other tendon in the body, the Achilles tendon operates on a continuum from healthy normal tendon to a reactive tendon, disrepair, degeneration, and finally rupture. A typical case of Achilles tendonitis will present itself somewhere within those middle three phases (reactive, disrepair, or degeneration). Depending on where you are within the spectrum, it is possible to alter the tendon’s structure enough to return it to it’s normal healthy function, if done appropriately.

For the treatment of Achilles tendonitis, there are a few different phases of how to approach healing from it and returning to running ASAP.

Phase one is to temporarily remove painful stimuli whether that is running, jumping, cutting, etc. and manipulate other variables within the athlete’s training to minimize compression while still allowing the athlete to continue training. This allows the tendon to rest just enough to get it to a point where the stress can start to build slowly.

Phase two is to use various forms of exercise to build up the strength and capacity of the tendon in order to prevent future injury. By slowly building up the amount of stress being placed on the tendon, it allows it the necessary time to change and adapt to the increased volume and become more resilient to high impact activities such as running.

Working with a great physical therapist throughout this process is the key to manipulating it for your specific situation. It is necessary in order to understand where your tendon healing is within the spectrum, and load it properly to prevent the dreaded tendinopathy cycle of injury/pain! A great physical therapist will also help you to modify training in a way that keeps you working out, rest alone is rarely if EVER the answer.

Are you an active adult or athlete living in Roswell, Johns Creek, or Alpharetta, and experiencing Achilles tendonitis or another issue that is holding you back? Since 2008 our proven 3 step plan has helped people stay in the game and keep doing all the awesome activities they love. Please give us a call or text at 678-400-0300.