As of now, Sunday March 15th,  we are open and continuing to treat patients, and also offer a Telehealth option. Our preference, as long as you and everyone in your household are symptom free, is that you would come to your visits. This will be evaluated daily as circumstances may change.  Beyond all the cleaning listed in my previous post below,  I am putting a few more stipulations in place as we all go through this time.  As many of you know the facility that I am in is divided into two halves, the office side and the gym side. I will only treat patients on the office side of facility which has far less traffic then the gym side.  Also, if appropriate and the weather is suitable we can do some of the exercise outside in front of the office. 

Starting on Monday the 16th I will be offering Telehealth visits. I have available several brand new home exercise suspension systems (pictured below), similar to a TRX, that you may borrow or purchase for $40.  You can come by and pick one up or I can send directly to your home.  This exercise system along with the CoachNow app, that I have many of you using, should be enough to help you with your PT progressions.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. 678-400-0300

At Mission Move, your safety is our greatest concern. Amid concerns about Covid-19, I have a preparedness and containment policy in place as well as a contingency plan.
Action Plan:
For now, I will be going to the office as long as I’m healthy and symptom-free, and you are welcome to come in as long as you are too.

Hand sanitizer at the front desk must be used by all patients. Soap and water is also available in the rest room.

We wipe down all surfaces several times a day with disinfectant. We also wash our hands with soap and water (or sanitizer) after every patient encounter.

We encourage you to stay home if not feeling well, fever greater than 100.4, or if you are coughing or sneezing. We love seeing you, but we can wait!

I will also stay home if I’m sick.

Please notify us if you have had contact with anyone who has tested positive in the past two weeks.

Contingency Plan: Telehealth Appointments will be Available!

For those of you who are cautious about coming into the clinic for your appointment, I am offering Telehealth appointments, which will combine with the use of the Coach Now app that most of you have been using with me, suspension exercise sets and a Live video feed through your computer or cell phone.
On Monday, I will have brand new suspension exercise sets available that you can stop by and borrow, or purchase for $40, to take home. These are similar to the TRX and are easy to set up and mount to a door. I will then design your PT exercises around this piece of equipment, guide you through what you need to be doing via Live Telehealth on your computer or phone, and combine this with videos on your Coach Now app so you can continue to make progress while staying at home. If you have any questions, please call 678-400-0300.

We’ll all get through this together!! ❤️ Until then, stay well and keep moving!